Het eerste echte optreden van Remco was in 1977 in café “The Roaring Twenties” aan het Spui in Den Haag. Vele optredens volgden de afgelopen 48 jaar op recepties, feesten en partijen, maar ook als barpianist in vele hotels, cafés en restaurants. De afgelopen 20 jaar is hij organisator van jazz sessies geweest op meerdere locaties in Den Haag . Hij heeft als barpianist vele avonden in de Molenstraat in Den Haag bij bistro ‘de Bestevaer’ gespeeld in de jaren tachtig, is 2 jaar lang elke zondag huispianist geweest bij het Paviljoen van Wiet geweest en als barpianist in het Kurhaus (Scheveningen) en in het Atlantic Hotel (Kijkduin). Via cateraars als Taat & de Regt vele feesten, partijen en recepties opgeluisterd met de eerste band THE JAZZ FOUR. Vele huwelijken werden voorzien van muziek door de SWING ASSOCIATION, de latere naam van deze jazzband, met zijn (eerste) vaste trio Andre Maagdenberg (Bas) en Tjeerd Klapwijk (drums). Latere Bands waren MODERN JAZZ COLLECTIVE, LOS TACOS, MODERN JAZZ ASSOCIATES en momenteel het DUTCH JAZZ ENSEMBLE. Via het combo van de stedelijke muziekschool in den Haag heeft hij 3 jaar achter elkaar opgetreden op het NORTH SEA JAZZ FESTIVAL (1984, 1985 en 1986). Remco heeft met verschillende formaties in diverse cafés jazz sessies geleid. Eerst ruim 4 jaar elke zondag in Café Parker (1999-2002), tussendoor in de Palace Pub en de St.Joris en daarna 2 jaar in Café de la Rue (2002-2004) in Den Haag met zijn toenmalige (tweede) vaste trio Hans Waayer (drums) en Ferry Meininger (bas). Vele topmuzikanten uit binnen en buitenland hebben daar als gast meegespeeld of meegezongen. Ook in de Parker kwamen de top jazz muzikanten spontaan aanwaaien. Een pauze van bijna 10 jaar kwam er tussen en toen weer opgepakt in de Hudson waar hij 5 jaar de organisator van de HUDSON JAZZ SESSIES was, die elke 1e zondag van de maand (16.00-20.00 uur) plaatsvonden in restaurant HUDSON (Aert vd Goesstraat 21 in Den Haag) waar na de 2e set jazzmuzikanten worden uitgenodigd om mee te komen doen (Jamsessions). Elke keer waren er gastspelers bij zijn (derde) vaste basis trio Barry Olthof (drums) – Willem van Wijngaarden (Bas). Ook in restaurant Comeonin (Antonie Duyckstraat 141 in Den Haag) speelde en verzorgde hij 1 jr de programmering van de COMEONIN JAZZ SESSIES elke 2e zondag van de maand in 2019. Hier ook elke keer gastspelers bij een vaste basis bezetting van Remco Hofman (piano) – Bram Wijland (drums) en Willem van Wijngaarden (Bas). In de loop der jaren heeft Remco 32 CD’s opgenomen in vele bezettingen. Remco geeft pianoles ( email : of bel 06-46236050) en maakt momenteel als pianist deel uit van de formatie Dutch Jazz Ensemble. Momenteel is hij bestuurslid bij BID de belangenvereniging voor jazz, wereld- en improvisatiemuziek Den Haag ( ) en zit hij in de Raad van Advies bij Podium De Nieuwe Kamer ( ).
🥁 Saffier Jubileum Remco Hofman : 45 Years jazzpianist !
Remco’s first real performance was in 1977 in café “The Roaring Twenties” at the Spui in The Hague. Many performances followed over the last 48 years at receptions and parties, but also as a bar pianist in many hotels, cafes and restaurants. Over the past 20 years he has been an organizer of jazz sessions at several locations in The Hague. As bar pianist he played many evenings in the Molenstraat in The Hague at bistro ‘de Bestevaer’ in the eighties, was pianist at the Paviljoen van Wiet every Sunday for 2 years and as a bar pianist in the Kurhaus (Scheveningen) and in the Atlantic Hotel ( Kijkduin). Through caterers such as Taat & de Regt, many parties and receptions have been graced with the first band THE JAZZ FOUR. Many weddings were provided with music by the SWING ASSOCIATION, the later name of this jazz band, with its regular trio Andre Maagdenberg (bass) and Tjeerd Klapwijk (drums). Later Bands were MODERN JAZZ COLLECTIVE, LOS TACOS, MODERN JAZZ ASSOCIATES and the DUTCH JAZZ ENSEMBLE. Through the combo of the urban music school in The Hague he performed at the NORTH SEA JAZZ FESTIVAL for 3 years in a row (1984, 1985 and 1986). Remco has led jazz sessions with various formations in various cafés. First every Sunday for more than 4 years in Café Parker (1999-2002), in between in the Palace Pub and the St.Joris and then for 2 years in Café de la Rue (2002-2004) in The Hague with his then permanent trio Hans Waayer ( drums) and Ferry Meininger (bass).Many top musicians from home and abroad have played or sung along there as guests. Then for almost 5 years the organizer of the HUDSON JAZZ SESSIONS, which took place every 1st Sunday of the month (4:00 PM – 8:00 PM) in the HUDSON restaurant (Aert vd Goesstraat 21 in The Hague) where jazz musicians are invited to join in after the 2nd set. (Jamsessions). Every time there are guest players in the regular basic line-up trio Remco Hofman (piano) – Barry Olthof (drums) – Willem van Wijngaarden (Bass). He also played and programmed the COMEONIN JAZZ SESSIONS every 2nd Sunday of the month in 2019 in the Comeonin restaurant (Antonie Duyckstraat 141 in The Hague).Here also guest players every time with a permanent basic line-up of Remco Hofman (piano) – Bram Wijland (drums) and Willem van Wijngaarden (Bass). Over the years, Remco has recorded 32 CD’s in many line-ups. Remco is piano teacher. (email: or call 06-46236050) and is currently part of the Dutch Jazz Ensemble as a pianist. He is currently also Advisory Board member at PDNK (Podium de Nieuwe Kamer) ( ) and Board member of BID, the interest group for jazz, world and improvisation music in The Hague ( ).
Op zoek naar vele foto’s van concerten in den Haag klik hier
De eerste Cd van het Dutch Jazz Ensemble heet ‘Lazy Notes’ en is in de OAP studio in Den Haag in 2020 opgenomen. Deze formatie is door Remco Hofman opgericht in 2000 en bestaat nu 5 jaar. Ze hebben talrijke jazz- en jamsessies met elkaar of afzonderlijk van elkaar gespeeld. De jazzstijl die voornamelijk door deze band wordt gespeeld is bebop. Het zijn muzikanten met vele CD’s op hun naam en spelen hiernaast in vele orkesten en bigbands.
2e Cd ” The Cole Porter Notes”

De tweede Cd van het Dutch Jazz Ensemble heet ‘The Cole Porter Notes’ en is tevens in de OAP studio
in Den Haag opgenomen eind 2024 en zal 14 maart 2025 uitkomen tijdens de Cd presentatie om 20.00 uur in het Leonardo Royal Hotel (Promenade) Van Stolkweg 1 in Den Haag. Kaartjes aan de deur en/of online via :
Dixieland periode
(Hier met Ted Easton’s Jazz band)
Trio met Tjeerd Klapwijk & Andre Maagdenberg
Trio met Hans Waaijer & Ferry Meininger
Trio met Willem van Wijngaarden & Barry Olthof
Jazzsessie met Ben vd Dungen & Michael Varekamp
2017 (Hudson)
Peter Beets 2017
Rob Agerbeek 2019
Harry Emmery 2023
Artikel AD/Haagsche Courant op 31 januari 2023
Eerste CD “Mellow Jazzy Moods” uitgereikt aan Burgemeester van Den Haag
-Jan van Zanen- op 24 januari 2024 in het stadhuis in Den Haag.
His latest (31th) CD “Mellow Jazzy Moods” will be released on January 24th, 2023
If you want to buy the CD than go to this website :
You can listen here to get an impression:
CD Review – Bert Jansma, Jazz journalist Den Haag Centraal:
The English language has a nice label for this type of jazz of the Remco Hofman quartet ‘fireplace music’. Jazz to be enjoyed with a glass of wine in front of the open fire. Soothing, without hectics or excess. Jazz that through choice and handling of the compositions brings stylish hits to moments of beauty. It starts at the quartets home, the Netherlands, with composer Rogier van Otterloo’s hitsong “Misty red Animal” from the movie “Turkish Delight”, made famous by Toots Thielemans. Or the delightful “Old Folks; played by all those greats, like Ben Webster and Miles Davis. You can’t miss the joyful pleasure in the way pianist Hofman chooses his notes here. Versatile guitarplayer Ron Lezer has the second solo voice, His accents are colourful, he brings warmth and ‘sings’ on his instrument. Whereas echoes of his inspirational sources reverb : ‘Road Song’, with a Wes Montgomery-feel or “This Masquarde” where George Benson looks around the corner. Moreover there is the latin-element in the quartets Brasilian ‘O Barquinho’ and Jobims ‘Triste’. Guest trompet player Victor Borkent takes the lead in style in the everlasting ‘My Funny Valentine’ and in a suprising version of ‘Summertime. ”Mellow Jazzy Moods” with it’s almost romantic approach and softly wrapped emotions keep on swinging. Driven by the subtle precision of the rhythm tandem Barry Olthof (drums) and Willem van Wijngaarden (bass).
Bert Jansma, Jazz journalist.
CD Review – Nico Heemelaar, Journalist AD Haagsche Courant:
It was three years ago that I interviewed jazz musician Remco Hofman at his home to talk about his last gig. Due to health problems he had to stop his famous Sunday Jazz Sessions (Hudson and Comeonin) in his hometown The Hague. Started as an autodidact on guitar and later drums, he discovered the piano at the age of 14. The rest might be called history. Remco played with hundreds of musicians and recorded an impressive number of albums, always surrounded by inspiring friends. Although we can’t see him on stage anymore, I am happy to hear that he is still active on the piano, playing with his buddies and sharing these beautiful mellow jazzy moments with – hopefully – a big audience. About his latest CD: From ‘Dat Mistige Rode Beest’ till ‘Summertime’, every track on this album is full of power, passion and – of course – all that jazz!
Nico Heemelaar, journalist AD Haagsche Courant.
His (30th) CD “Blue Summer Notes” has been released September 15, 2022
You can buy the CD:
Or listen to the CD on SPOTIFY: CD Review:
“Remco, I listened to your trio cd several times and I really love it. I find your music full of melody and swing and there is great interaction in it. The emotion, the joy of living and the quietness that come out of it allow to hear the soul of each musician. Very beautiful music that goes straight to the heart. I worked for two years as an editor and photographer for the famous international magazine “Jazz Hot” and in my opinion, your record deserves a very good column in the best jazz magazines”. (Adrien Varachaud – played with musicians as Archie Shepp and Kirk Lightsey).
Enno Spaanderman (sax) & Joy Misa (vocals)
Deelgenomen aan 32 CD’s (1991-2022) :